Work Experience

Throughout my career, I’ve had many jobs and volunteer opportunities that I’ve learned from and loved.

May 2011 - May 2017

During my middle and high school careers, I volunteered at the Weyers-Hilliard Library in the Brown County Library System. I assisted with the Summer Reading Program, the Summer Carnival, and various library tasks such as shelving, checking in and out, and pulling materials to be reserved by patrons.

May 2017 - present

Acceptional Minds, LLC, is a company created by and for people and families living with disabilities, mental illness, and trauma. Their goal is to provide assistance to families who have recently received a diagnosis, to share options, and to help navigate the resources available. I am a Staff Trainer, where my responsibilities are to train my fellow staff in the language and skills they need to work with the people we service. I teach the Caregiving the Acceptional Mind class, speaking on my personal experiences to family and community members of children with disabilities, mental illness, and trauma. I am also the professional writer on staff, and am responsible for any in-house documents and many of our promotional materials. Learn more about Acceptional Minds here.

May 2018 - present

The Wisconsin State Office for Children’s Mental Health supports children across the state in striving for mental well-being. OCMH encourages collaboration between state agencies, nongovernmental mental health services, advocates, and people with lived experiences. Being a Lived Experience Partner, I have spoken across the state to bring awareness and acceptance towards people with mental illness. While on the OCMH team, I was a co-leader of the Mental Health Crisis Card Project, an innovative program designed to give autonomy back to the individual who is experiencing a mental health crisis. Read more about the Crisis Card here.

July 2018 - present

The Wisconsin Youth Leadership Forum is a program run by the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities. It is a week long forum for high school students with disabilities to learn leadership, self-advocacy, and career skills. I’ve been a counselor and facilitator as well as a board member. I am currently the Social Director. Learn more about YLF and the BPDD here.

September 2023 - present

The Brown County Library, Weyers-Hilliard Branch, has always been one of my favorite places to be. After taking a break from volunteer work, I applied to work in a shelving position after graduating. I’ve been working there ever since. I am and always will be a huge advocate for supporting your local libraries.